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How Other Women Manage Bladder Leaks

How Other Women Manage Bladder Leaks

A woman’s advice is valuable. She’s been through it all! Whether it be raising kids, providing for her family or being a support for everyone around her. Women know what’s up and their advice is gold. That’s why Mouths of Mums asked 5 busy women who suffer from bladder leaks to review Always Discreet’s line of products. What came out of this was raw, honest and comforting - we all go through light discomforts in life. However, Always Discreet helps to unleash our confidence and be the badass women we know we are.

Women laughing in the park


Mom306065 is a busy mum just like so many of us. After having four kids, she suffers from a weak bladder that is triggered by exercise and lifting her children. With Always Discreet, she doesn’t have to worry about incontinence anymore.


Teegsmrstee is a 31 year old mum of three who knows the feeling of trying to stop any bladder leakage. Sneezes, coughs and laughs can be a recipe for disaster. However, since discovering Always Discreet she has appreciated how discreet they actually are.

Laugh ‘til the cows come home without worrying about leaks.


After giving birth to two eleven pound babies, MrsA knows this has had an effect on her body. With bladder leaks all day, rushing to the toot and her lack of confidence have taken their toll. Always Discreet has given her the boost she needs to get back on the bike.


Just like her name, life never stops. 247mumlife has been looking for something super comfortable to help her with her weak bladder control.

Now she can join her three kids on the trampoline without any worries!


After having three kids in five years, mom171712 has suffered from bladder leaks all the time especially during exercise.

Thanks to Always Discreet’s slim design, she doesn’t have to worry about visible pad lines anymore.

Feel confident and embrace comfort with Always Discreet. Find out more from the Continence Foundation of Australia here. Check out the full range of Always Discreet Underwear, Pads & Liners products here.

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